Monday, August 23, 2010

Shillman House Chronicles: Entry #22

Amy Schectman, JCHE's new CEO and President, began her second day with an early morning tour of Shillman House. Standing in one of the common area rooms in the first floor southeast wing, she was briefed on the great progress we've made in the construction of Shillman House.

The exterior of the northeast and northwest wings of Shillman House are looking more and more complete. The carpenter on the closest boon lift is installing Hardy trim and panels to the northeast wing. Further away on the northwest wing, workers continue to put up the siding. The water truck in the foreground is used for dust control on the site. It is exciting to see the evolution of Shillman House into a beautiful building.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shillman House Chronicles: Entry #21

Great progress on Shillman House this week! While the exterior work is still moving forward, much of the activity has moved to the interior of the building.Here, blue board is being brought to the fourth floor of the northeast wing for construction of apartment bathroom walls.

Utility work is also taking center stage at Shillman House on the Weinberg Campus. Here, a newly laid drain pipe in the south courtyard is being covered with gravel.  As for the Shillman building, the southeast and southwest wings are now both wrapped in vapor barrier.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shillman House Chronicles: Entry #20

The exterior walls facing Edmands Road on the two southern wings of Shillman House are completed, as are the windows and flashing. On the southeast wing, workers are putting up purple insulation board, which is applied to the block walls to create a thermal barrier. To the left is the three-story southwest wing.

 Another view of the southeast and southwest wings...from the fourth floor window of a future Shillman apartment looking towards Edmands Road. To the left, the southeast wing is wrapped in its vapor barrier. Its roof is already shingled. On the southwest wing, a worker is busy installing flashing around a window, while another is installing trim board around the edge of the roof to prepare for the roof shingle installation. The black strips seen covering the roof plywood will provide an added barrier against ice and water under the roof shingles.
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